Finding Happiness | Cartoon of the Week

When I created this cartoon, I was thinking the same what the picture is trying to portray. The above picture speak itself. However, this image is really trying to give a very good lesson to everyone. People cannot be happy during their lifetime, they have many ups and downs in their entire life.

However, creating happy environment is the main key point to be a successful. The guy on the left is colorful, he looks like he has everything. He looks richer and brighter, but he is still missing something that is making him sad. He is trying to find a precious moments that will make him happy. His facial expression shows that he is lonely and looking to make himself happy.
The picture portray that the Yellow guy is looking for the happiness. He tried to look for it, however he failed to find it. All the sudden he saw another guy holding happiness and finally he ask him that, "Where did you find that? I have been searching for it everywhere." Yellow guy think that the other guy is holding his happiness.
All the sudden it came out that the black and white guy, who looks poor, but he is happy. He said that, "I created myself" That means he made himself happy.
The moral of this picture is that, "Happiness has to be created by yourself, not by others." Be happy, try to forget or don't remember difficult stages of your life. Just move on and be happy.

