High Blood Pressure a Silent Killer

Almost one billion people worldwide have high blood pressure, and over half a billion more will harbor this silent killer by 2025. (AP News). Nowadays, high blood pressure is becoming common. This is a disease and can cause to anyone in the world. It is a major risk factor all around the globe. “Even in the U.S., the majority of people with high blood pressure are not treated reasonably,” says Dr. Sidney Smith of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who advises the World Heart Federation. This disease will not show or patients notice the symptoms until organs already have been damaged.

About 1 of 3 U.S. adults – or about 70 million people- have high blood pressure. Only about half (52%) of these people have their high blood pressure under control (CDC). When the pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, frequently measured for diagnosis since it is firmly identified with the force and rate of the pulse and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls is called High Blood Pressure. Blood pressure is expressed in two numbers, top and bottom number. Top number is also known as Systolic pressure and bottom number is also known as Diastolic pressure. How do we read or know about these number and the function of each number?
Top (Systolic) number is the pressure of the heart beating and bottom (Diastolic) number is the pressure of the heart when it is in rest. Blood pressure goes up and down, so you can take it twice in a row and get two different readings. Several things can send your blood pressure up when you are in stress and anxiety. Also blood pressure goes up naturally because of the age.
How blood pressure can be very dangerous? It can lead to Heart Attacks, Strokes, problems with your eyes and other health issues. Being overweight can also send your blood pressure up, the heart has to pump that much harder because of the weight. Eating too much salt or drinking too much alcohol can send your blood pressure up. Also, too little activity can send your blood pressure up as well. If doctor finds out your pressure is too high, they may ask you to change your lifestyle by eating better or managing your stress better. If those lifestyle does not change your blood pressure than doctors might prescribe blood pressure medications, there are several different classes of the medicine such as Diuretics, Beta Blockers, Ace inhibitors. High blood pressure sometime called silent killer because you don’t necessarily feel that you have a higher blood pressure. That’s why it is important to checked and take care of it is too high.
The most effective method to Get the Blood Pressure Reading:
You shouldn’t be under the climate, straight from a cigarette break, or blazing to go to the restroom, all of which can influence the estimation. Also remember: “Blood pressure naturally do fluctuate,” says Dr. Ward. “Feeling unwell or having a truly distressing day is the wrong time to take your blood pressure, and may not mirror the exactness of the reading.”
Unwind, keep both feet on the ground, ensure your arm is completely supported, and do whatever it takes not to talk for a couple of minutes beforehand. A reading of 120/80 or beneath is viewed as normal. On the off chance that it’s 140/90 or higher, or 130/80 on the off chance that you have diabetes, it’s imperative that you converse with your specialist about treatment alternatives. You ought to be measuring your blood pressure no less than each three to six months in case you’re in a known high-risk group (less often in case you’re low risk).

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