Terrible Video Forecast, Animals Fighting

Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic life forms of the Kingdom called Animalia. All creatures are motile, which means they can move suddenly and autonomously, sooner or later in their lives. Not all animal are dangerous, some animals are kind, some are dangerous and human cannot touch them because they will attack any living beings.

Strong animals eat weak animals, this is the ecosytem, which has to go on. We cannot stop the ecosystem, because it is a gift of nature. Every living beings do anything to survive. Therefore, god made stronger and weaker according to their category.
Below video has been captured live. In the video, one animal is struggling to eat other animal. Fox is trying to eat dear. As we know, dear is a quiet and innocent animal and many other animal try to attack them, because of their silent personality. In the video, fox is chasing dear. However, dear is running under water to save them. Fox is scared to go inside the water and wait for the dear to come closer to his mouth. While dear was close to the corner of the river, fox is attempting to attack dear and dear still keep silent and let him bite for few moment and try to escape.
After a while, fox become successful to have the dear as their meal. Please watch below video uploaded by <strong>ataque del animal egg</strong> on youtube.
