Texas Rain Washed Away Cars, Train: 1 Man Missing

Photo: CNN
Photo: CNN

Weather in Texas has gone really bad. Many houses, cars, people are affected with this flood. A Union Pacific Cargo train has crashed in overflowed North Texas, close Corsicana, where the tracks washed away. One train and a few rail autos went into the water and were mostly submerged.

About a foot-and-a-half pf downpour beat Texas on Saturday, raising reasons for alarm of across the board flooding in the downpour drenched state even as the leftovers of record-setting Hurricane Patricia weighed down from Mexico.

While the present band of tempests made by a slowed down cool front in north and focal Texas were required to ease late Saturday, another tempest created by what's left of Patricia in the Gulf of Mexico will start dumping up to six inches of downpour in eastern Texas.
Video uploaded by Associated Press on Youtube