CNN Hero Maggie Doyne: Kopila Valley Children's Home in Nepal

Ten years ago, Maggie Doyne, now 28, left her hometown New Jersey by taking her backpack and her high school education to travel the world before she moved to next level of education. Maggie Doyne is selected for top ten candidates for CNN Hero. She always had a dream to look outside the world. When she went to Nepal, she met a young girl looking for her family in Nepal and Doyne went with her.

Doyne saw many different faces of life in Nepal which changed her. She saw that some people had a difficult time to survive their life, especially children. Children in the riverbed banging big stone to make it into small pieces to sell them and have some money to feed themselves or their family. They are doing this work all day and everyday.
Doyne had $5000, earned from babysitting. Therefore, she asked her family in New Jersey to Wire that amount. After that, her life turn into different scenario. She started to help the children to find their home and live with the family.
In 2006, Doyne bought a land in Surkhet, a district in Western Nepal. She struggle and work with the local communities to build Kopila Valley Children’s Home. Kopila mean “flower bud” in Nepali. Kopila Valley children’s Home is a home for about more than 100 children, from infants to teenagers.
Doyne opened the BlinkNow Foundation to support and develop her endeavors. in 2010, the group started Kopila Valley School, where more than 350 students get their education from there.
CNN Hero Voting of the Year continues through Sunday November 15. Please Vote her for the CNN Hero, so that she will be able to make a big home for more homeless Children who are in search of their Family.
The Maggie Doyne Story

Video Uploaded by FreeSpiritChannel on YouTube
“Experience the inspirational journey of Maggie Doyne, a committed young woman from New Jersey who has made it her mission to provide a loving home and free education for Nepal’s most vulnerable residents, its orphaned or abandoned children.”
CNN Hero Maggie Doyne: 43 Kids and Counting
Video uploaded by CNN on YouTube
Maggie Doyne, Founder, Kopila Valley Children’s Home & School: Forbes Women’s Summit
Video uploaded by Forbes on YouTube
