Lion Hunting Journey Wildlife 2015 - Animal Planet National Geographic Documentary

The Lion is one of the five major felines in the sort Panthera and an individual from the family Felidae. The usually utilized term Adrica Lion by and large indicates the few subspecies found in Africa. We can still remember that, when we were kids, we used to study in a book and watch cartoon as "LION is the KING OF JUNGLE". Lion is very dangerous animal, where they can kill most of the living beings when they are hungry.
With a few guys surpassing 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, it is the second biggest living feline after the tiger. Wild Lions as of now exist in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (Where an imperiled leftover populace dwells in Gir Forest National Park in India) while different sorts of lions have vanished from North Africa and Southwest Asia in notable times.
Watch below documentary to watch each and every moves of Lion, How they hunt?, How they kill and eat other animals. It's a nature gift, where we can say that ecosystem. Each living beings survive by their own. Either killing other living beings or plants.

<strong>Please watch below documentary taken by National Geographic Channel:</strong>

<strong><em>Video Uploaded by National Geographic Channel Official on Youtube</em></strong>