What Does Anesthesia Do to Your Brain?

Anesthesia is a insensitivity to pain, particularly as falsely prompted by the organization of gases or the infusion of medications before surgical operations. Scientist created this drugs and they know that this drug will knock out any living creatures. However, they do not know is how.

We don't really know exactly how general anesthesia works. We do know that it works, and that it's relatively safe. But scientists are still trying to figure out how all these different chemicals switch out the lights in your brain.
Anesthesia is a state where you're insensitive to pain, and doctors use it so that when they need to get to your heart or kidneys or whatever, they can turn something invasive and traumatic into a peaceful nap.
General Anesthesia knocks you out completely. However, Local anesthesia numbs a part of body for a while, or twilight sedation, where you're technically conscious but won't remember anything that happened.

Watch below video to know more about Anesthesia:
Video uploaded by SciShow on Youtube