What FBI chief needs Americans to think about Threats

FBI Director James Comey briefs the media on what U.S. natives ought to do to impede fear dangers in the nation. FBI James says that Americans do not let fear become disabling. That is what the terrorists want. They want you to imagine them in the shadows. They want you to imagine them as something greater than they are.

Instead, we hope that you will turn fear into healthy awareness of what’s around you. If you see something that gives you a bad feeling, tell somebody in Law Enforcement. Since September 11th we have really worked to get ourselves organized in such a way that if you walk up and tell any police officer in this country or any deputy sheriff in this country that you saw something, didn’t seem right, you heard something that didn’t seem right or you read something online that seemed off, that information will get to the right people immediately.
Watch below video for more information by FBI James Corney.

Video uploaded by CNN on Youtube