PSY is back with his "DADDY"

PSY is a Korean Singer, who has sang many famous and popular songs. People love his new unique sensation on his video. His creativity is way beyond. Psy love to create a new creation and make it fusion to his music.

Is Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD) Real?

Written By Bishal Aryal

Have you ever heard of this kind of disorder to anyone? May be YES, or may be NO. Do you even know what kind of disorder is this? Have you ever tried to do some research about this disease? Recently, we’ve done some research about Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, and found many of the interesting things, which we are going to share with you. (Nordqvist) Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, also known as PGAD or Restless Genital Syndrome or Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome. This is a condition characterized by unrelenting, spontaneous and uncontainable genital arousal in females. The condition may or may not include arousal with orgasm and/or genital engorgement. The patient’s arousal is not linked to sexual desire.

Are Bananas Good for Health?

Bananas are the world famous and most consumed fruit in the world. People eat bananas for the good reason. Many people know the facts about the banana. However, some people do not have any idea, what bananas benefited for. Bananas are an essential super-natural fruit with regards to your well being. The bended yellow fruit packs a major healthful punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging. 

Eat the Amount of needed Food to Survive

"Food is for to consume, not to throw as a waste. Consume the amount of needed food, which will make you survive."
Leo Ashok Paudel
Studying high school taught me the world has limited resources. The proper use of resources gaining its optimum utilization is the aim of people living in this selfish world.

The life of 7 years gradually forces me to think on what I studied. God is a great creator who created everything, human and resources that they need to survive. With such a wise creation I wonder with a question revolving around my head why I got to hear the news people died because of hunger, but why? Don’t they have the right to use the resources?

Economic Blockade: A Nightmare Life in Nepal

"100th Day of Economic Blockade in Nepal made a Nightmare life to an individual. People of Nepal has so much patience to fight with this types of situation. No fuel, No Cooking Gas, difficult to get a seat in the micro bus."

Sushmita Sapkota (Junu)
 The never ending wait…why micro not even coming? I whispered to myself. As I turned around, there were 100 of people waiting for same micro to come. Oh! Wow, even in road I have 100 of competitors and among them will I be able to get into a micro? Nowadays, every morning I go through my horoscope and count that lucky-star, not in a hope that something great will happen today. I am counting it because I am trying out my luck whether I will get a seat today or not?

Top 10 Universities in the United States

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"  - Nelson Mandela

Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is also a golden gate for the people who want to learn and do something better in their life. Education will give you better knowledge, skills, values, beliefs. 

You would never Want to Drive on this Dangerous Road in the World

Top 10 Most Dangerous Roads and Highways from around the world you should never take your car on. Roads are made to make your travel easier and cheaper. If we would have to fly in the plane or take a train from one location to another, that will probably cost you more money. However, one time spend car can take you anywhere in the road with cheap cost. Roads are meant to be a smoother and easier to drive. However, some country’s road are so dangerous that you will never dare to drive there. Drivers must be very careful to drive on this road.
The ten dangerous road are given below:

The Dark World

Love, this word now doesn't exist
Hate, now have overcame Love
Honesty, took another name brutality
By seeing all this I/m feeling anxious

World is seem to be dark
Hater overrated thy feelings
In such case, I'm only searching for
love, in this cruel world.

Behind the Web

Every day, trillions of bytes (or characters) of data on the World Wide Web is access by ten millions of people in the World. Regularly called the Web, the World Wide Web (WWW) is a structure of records connected electronically over the Internet.

Nike's CSR Challenge | Case Study

One of the popular known brands Nike, who manufacture sports and clothing, has more than 50,000 workers produces shoes through subcontractors. Most of their factories are located in Asian countries because of large non-employed population and low cost workers.

Boy Asking For BRA from Girls (Shocking Reaction)

The below video is showing that a Boy wants to buy a BRA for his girlfriend and he is asking random girl in the street to buy the BRA for his girlfriend. This video was shot in India in the middle of the street and Boy was asking every girls about the BRA shop, to buy a BRA for his girlfriend. Actually, this video is a Prank video. However, it does not seems like prank video, because some girls are shy and some speak up straight. In India, people are still scared or feel shy to talk about their underwear things.

High Blood Pressure a Silent Killer

Almost one billion people worldwide have high blood pressure, and over half a billion more will harbor this silent killer by 2025. (AP News). Nowadays, high blood pressure is becoming common. This is a disease and can cause to anyone in the world. It is a major risk factor all around the globe. “Even in the U.S., the majority of people with high blood pressure are not treated reasonably,” says Dr. Sidney Smith of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who advises the World Heart Federation. This disease will not show or patients notice the symptoms until organs already have been damaged.

Will Pescatarian Diet Change your life?

Have you ever know about Pescatarian? Will you be able to change your diet into pescatarian? This might be tough for the people who consume lot of meat. Being healthy is important in everybody's life because it won't kill you in short period of life.

6ft Man in 6ft Water Balloon | The Slow Mo Guys

The Slow Mo Guys are very popular and famous in Youtube. Gav and Dan is the guy who make a Slow motion video to entertain people. They have been entertaining people for long time. Right now they have more than 6 million subscriber in Youtube.

Sexy Girl Cheating Man on the Bus

Young ladies are constantly viewed as the blameless and delicate. They are viewed as innocuous and delicate. Be that as it may, this video demonstrates the opposite side of the blameless face.

Man Goes from One Women to Another

"Man goes from one woman to another, goes on changing. People think he is a great lover; he is not a lover at all. He is avoiding, he is trying to avoid any deep involvement because with deep involvement problems have to be faced, and much pain has to be gone through. So one simply plays safe; one makes it a point never to go too deeply into somebody.

Brushing Up on Colgate-Palmolive

This article is about Colgate Palmolive which produces essential personal products, such as toothpaste, detergents.  The word product is defined as anything that is offered to the market that will satisfy need or want.  As stated in the article Colgate had spent its huge amount of money in research and development for the product in the development stage. Due to the troubles in 2004 the company has increase its market share and profits through the use of cost cutting and advertising.

Vanilla Eclairs Recipe

Eclairs are a great French dessert, made from choux pastry, filled with cream and then topped usually with fondant icing. For topping there are many variations, but making a simple and quick chocolate ganache seemed just perfect for me. Eclairs are a true delight and worth all the effort involved.

Finding Happiness | Cartoon of the Week

When I created this cartoon, I was thinking the same what the picture is trying to portray. The above picture speak itself. However, this image is really trying to give a very good lesson to everyone. People cannot be happy during their lifetime, they have many ups and downs in their entire life.

Top 10 Principles for Positive Business Ethics

This morning, I read about a company using on-line auctions to defraud customers. Last week, I consulted on an ethics complaint where a business coach betrayed a client's confidentiality. And, recently a Physician was convicted of insider trading based on information from a patient, a violation of both business ethics and her professional ethics.

What Does Anesthesia Do to Your Brain?

Anesthesia is a insensitivity to pain, particularly as falsely prompted by the organization of gases or the infusion of medications before surgical operations. Scientist created this drugs and they know that this drug will knock out any living creatures. However, they do not know is how.

Lion Hunting Journey Wildlife 2015 - Animal Planet National Geographic Documentary

The Lion is one of the five major felines in the sort Panthera and an individual from the family Felidae. The usually utilized term Adrica Lion by and large indicates the few subspecies found in Africa. We can still remember that, when we were kids, we used to study in a book and watch cartoon as "LION is the KING OF JUNGLE". Lion is very dangerous animal, where they can kill most of the living beings when they are hungry.

How to make Caramel Twix Ice Cream?

Do you like ice cream? Caramel ice cream, that will make your mouth wet. Here, we are sharing you a recipe of Caramel Twix Ice Cream.

Terrible Video Forecast, Animals Fighting

Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic life forms of the Kingdom called Animalia. All creatures are motile, which means they can move suddenly and autonomously, sooner or later in their lives. Not all animal are dangerous, some animals are kind, some are dangerous and human cannot touch them because they will attack any living beings.
